Abang was outstation this weekend. Received the above MMS from him this evening.......so romantic. Felt like crying the moment I saw it. Never before I receive something even close to this. I must have...
At 5.16 am today, I received a call from my best buddy, Atie informing me that Mak Yong passed away earlier this morning. I was stunned for a while - dunno how I felt the moment I heard the news. Mak...
Since Abang is gonna be in Kuantan this weekend, I've decided to take an MC today & go to Kuantan too. Cant bear to be so far away from him - gonna missed him so much, that I'm sure. So, took off...
For the past 2-3 weeks, I've been really crazy over this digital scrapbooking. I've always been interested in scrapbooking all these whiles. Printed some materials for my scrabook already which are now...
Went to visit the "Malaysian International Landscape & Garden Festivel 2008" a.k.a Laman 2008. Been to the same festival before about 4 years ago with mak & abah - on the day I was married to...
It has been a great day for me & Marsya today.......not forgetting our maid, Mar. This is the first outing ever with Abang - considering that he's always unavailable :( My original plan is a bit way...
Dun know what have got into me but I am suddenly addicted to storybooks. Suddenly-muddenly, I realize that reading is fun. Cant believe that sentence actually came out from my mouth. I dont even read...
Went to watch this movie with Abang just now - the 10.00 pm show. I like Will Smith actually (such a sweet guy, isnt he? ) & that's one of the reason I've decided to watch it. Luckily the crowde is...
When Ain first told me about this novel, it was a few months back. Been wanting to read the book ever since but got held back by lots of things - biasalah...me always being bz kan....dun really have the...
Hilang sepi di raut wajahUsah terlerai nilainya budiSetia janji takkan berubahKasih tersemai tetap abadiWajah mu tuan manis berseriHingga terbawa ke dalam lenaKasih sayang ku tiada terperiJikalau boleh mati bersamaTanam melati di ruma-rumaUbur-ubur sampingan duaKalau mati kita bersamaSatu kubur kita...
Went to Putrajaya this morning to settle my Wira's issue. Abang is kind enuff to accompany me there....thanx darling. I've never been to this part of the city yet actually. Heard a lot about the place...
Minggu ni memang minggu membuat kuih. I'm just having the mood to cook this week. I love to cook & everything about cooking. Reading cook books is also a pleasure for me coz while reading it I can...
Looks like Lin is pissed today. Well, she have the every right to feel that way. Padan muka aku ngan Carol ! We took Lawrence out for lunch yesterday without even asking her. Tucker tu biasalah....even...
Well, do I need to say more??? The first thing I did as soon as I got connected to the internet is to login to CIMB Clicks. As expected, my cheque is still pending. I was so stressed out ! Gila-gila punya...
Nothing so interesting about me except for being the best mommy to my daughter, a well experienced engineer, an amazing cook, a passionate Vespa rider and last but not least, a hopelessly romantic lover
Uncle Bird
I missed Unc Bird ~ knowing I will never had the chance to talk to him
ever, until we meet again in Jannah, inshaallah, allahumma ameen..
I miss him.
I'm ...
mamai punya cerita
i was diagnosed with Tendonsomethingsomethinglitis. which in ordinary term
simply means tendon tear on my right shoulder caused by repetitive shoulder
Bunga Aisyah..
Kelahiran cucu saudara ketiga aku.. Yang nie istimewa sebab dia baby girl..
gegirl sangat.. Bunga Aisyah.. Tak rela dipanggil nenek.. kami sepakat
2013. A year of 365 days. Wait, February was 28 days this year right? Never
mind, too lazy to check.
It's a year full of great things to share. Accomplishm...
Easy Food Recipe
Andredrake.com blog informasi terbaru dan tutorial gratis
Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif yang bertuj...
If all fails….Give up….The good way (*wink*)
Sometimes the easiest way to solve a problem is to stop participating in
the problem. Sometimes the smartest choice is giving up.
I don’t think that giving...