25 November 2008

Countdown To 2009

Yes...it's 35 more days to new year i.e. the year of 2009. As I mentioned earlier in my previous posting, a year passed by just like that.....in a flash! Same goes to my age which i dont have problems...

24 November 2008

I Am Truly Blessed

In less than a month, we'll be in the new year already. Year by year passed by without us noticing it. Time really flies you wont be able to cope with it sometimes, especially when you're having good...

Ghost Eyes

These are my eyes with my new coloured lens. Bought it over the weekend - the colour is Hazel & the price is RM 53.00/pair. Been wanting to try out these coloured lens since a few of my frens did...

21 November 2008

If I Were A Boy......

If I were a boyEven just for a dayI’d roll out of bed in the morningAnd throw on what I wanted and goDrink beer with the guysAnd chase after girlsI’d kick it with who I wantedAnd I’d never get confronted...

16 November 2008

Red Scoot's Shopping Spree

Opppss....I did it again ! I thought I could but obviously I couldnt. Already told myself that I shouldnt buy anymore things this month - no more shopping for November. Period! Unfortunately I am not...

15 November 2008

Kellie's Castle

It's "Jalan-Jalan Carik Pasal" again for me & my travelling companion, Ded. This time Kellie's Castle is our destination. We took the old road (rather than the highway) to Ipoh for more adventures...

Shopaholic & Sister

This is the fourth book in the Shopaholic series. Once you've started with the Confession of a Shopaholic (which is the first one), you can never turn back. You'll get yourself addicted & all you...

14 November 2008

It's A Holi..Holiday !!!

Today is the last day of school for the year of 2008. I am sure it's the day everybody have been waiting for. The school children are obviously the happiest ones as they dont have to go to school for...

10 November 2008

Juz Like Old Times

It has been 2 days since Mar went back to Padang. So, it's now just me & my cutie pie at home. Like what Marsya told me : "it's now only you & me, mummy...just like old times !" Yeah...just like...

09 November 2008

Coffee-Break @ Old Town White Coffee

After sending Mar at the Bandar Tasik Selatan Komuter Station, me & Marsya went to the Old Town White Coffee in Ampang. Marsya been making noise about her empty tummy while waiting at the station...

Laksa Sarawak - Finally !

Been wanting to try out the Laksa Sarawak paste I bought a couple of weeks ago. Just dont feel like cooking it not until today. I've decided that Laksa Sarawak will be the menu for lunch today.After reading...

Bag Fever Is Back !!

Well, the title of this posting explains it all. Yup, bought me 2 new bags.....again. I could say no to clothings, accessories, make-ups and such but when it comes to bags......it's just so difficult....

07 November 2008

Remember Me?

Lexi Smart wakes up in the hospital and the last thing she remembers was from 3 years ago. She wakes up with a new life, a new look and a newly acquired marital status...she's married! That's the brief...