23 January 2009

Happy Chinese New Year

Happy Chinese New Year to all who celebratets it.....may the new year brings happiness & good fortune to all. And for those who are not celebrating it....enjoy your 4 days holidays. Yabeda bedu !It's...

22 January 2009

Unexpected Gift

. I have received an unexpected gift today. Got a CNY mini-hamper from Mei Yin. Both me & Carol got it! We were both so excited about it & tend to show off to the rest of our colleagues since...

21 January 2009

Can You Keep A Secret ?

It's a total fairy tale ! That's what I can conclude after reading this book. A handsome multimillionaire fallling in love with a plain-standard girl from the street....puhhhhleaseeee. Something that...

19 January 2009

Shopaholic & Baby

This is the fifth book in the Shopaholic series by Kinsella & I think it's my least favorite of the Shopaholic series. Becky Bloomwood just never learns - which is why there is always a new book I...

16 January 2009

Anugerah Cemerlang 2008

Marsya has again make me proud today. I attended the Hari Anugerah Cemerlang 2008 at her school this morning. My little girl got the 3rd place for her final semester exam last year. This event is normally...

07 January 2009

Cooking Is All About Planning

The school started 2 days ago i.e. on the 5th. There goes my luxury sleeps. I am now back to my normal routine which starts as early as 5.30 in the morning. It's gonna be hard for these few days after...

01 January 2009

Happy New Year 2009 !

I would like to take this opportunity to wish all readers a very happy new year. Time just seems drift by ever so obliviously when we aren’t paying attention to life. It just feels like January 2008 was...