28 February 2009

Birthday Lunch @ Saisaki

Yes….went there for lunch today with Abang & Marsya. It’s my birthday treat from Abang - thanks dear ! Thought of going to Xenri in the first place (another Japanese buffet restaurant) but they are...

26 February 2009

A Special Gift From A Special Person

I am so surprised to have received one big bouquet of a dozen roses for my birthday today. Cant really remembered the last time I ever received a flower for anything .....let alone birthdays. I love getting...

A Word Of Appreciation On My Birthday

Today is my birthday . I’m 39 – so next year is the big four-oh. Wow, I don’t seem 39…..when did I get so old? Didn’t feel my age at all. This is how cool aging is – it happens so naturally you don’t...

25 February 2009

Wet Wednesday

It was drizzling when I got down to my bike this morning. The rain was heavier earlier morning & I was hoping it would stop by the time for work. Unfortunately it doesnt happen as i wish it would....

24 February 2009

Red Scoot In Mag. Again

Yes, I am indeed in a magazine again....the same old MIDI (the 1st Feb. issue). I know nothing about it until my sis, Aida called me up & asked me about it. I purposely keep this as a secret since...

Allah Knows Best

Life has been quite difficult for me lately . I've been through the worst time in my life these past few weeks. Being a normal human being, I sometimes can’t help myself from asking God why has He continuously...

06 February 2009

Have You Ever Being Cheated?

Have you ever been cheated? I’m sure most of you had. Being cheated is one thing but being cheated by somebody really close to you is yet another thing. The pain is just too much & it hurts like hell.Sometimes...