22 March 2009

As The Wedding Bells Ring........

Today is the happiest day of my friend, Has's life as it's the day she's gonna get married. Me & other Jornam's members are indeed very happy for her. Wishing them a life of a marital bliss. .To Has...

20 March 2009

Are You Going To Finish Strong ?

.Received this video in my e-mail this morning. I was so touched by it.....cant stop my tears from falling. Such an inspirational video..The guy in the video is an Australian called Nick Vujicic who was...

16 March 2009

Camping @ Lubuk Semak

.Marsya has been asking me to take her for a camping trip for ages. I just hate going for a camping actually. It's not that I dislike nature that much but the idea of sleeping in a tent (rather than my...

11 March 2009

Skytrex Adventure

Here we are getting ready for the Skytrex AdventuresIt is indeed an adventure – it might not be for other people but for me it is a hell of an adventure. Dunno whose idea it was, but our company is having...

10 March 2009

Flood @ 18th Floor

Who would have thought that an office at the 18th floor could ever got flooded. Well, that's exactly what happened to our office. This morning all of us were shocked the moment we arrived at the office...

08 March 2009

07 March 2009