26 November 2010

Happy Friday

Many times we came across sayings and quotes which emphasized the idea of focusing on the little joys in life. Often times we get absorbed in our hectic life that we tend to forget to “stop and smell...

24 November 2010

Love & Stupidity

Love and stupidity go hand in hand most of the times. These two elements are separated by just one very fine line in between of them. Love doesn't make us 'stupid' per se ... but it does tend to make...

22 November 2010

Batik Fun Walk 2010

Last Sunday was one fun Sunday for myself plus the other 2 friends of mine. It was a day where fun & fitness was working hand in hand. Though the rain was pouring heavily in KL for the past few days,...

19 November 2010

Happy Friday

The moment I saw this quote, I've fallen in love with it. Love it....love it.....simply loves it ! It’s just so beautiful, so inspirational and so true as well. It teaches us not to give up and never...

17 November 2010

Salam Aidil Adha

As we all know, Aidil Adha is all about sacrifices - starting with prophet Ibrahim's sacrifice as his great act of faith to Allah, many centuries ago.People sacrifice all the time - be it their wealth,...

15 November 2010

She Doesnt Like The Flowery Bag

The above is a picture of a pink flowery sling bag. Honestly, what do you think of it? It is cute right? Sweet flowery motives all over & pink in colour - it's very nice indeed. At one look, it can...

Beautiful Broga

Broga Hill. Heard its name being mentioned a couple of times before. Heard of its beautiful panoramic scenes a lot of times too. Being there? Never....... but not till last Saturday.Most of the time when...

12 November 2010

Happy Friday

A good friend of mine gave me this & I fell in love with it instantly. This saying reminds me of no other person but my ownself.No woman is a strong woman because she got a degree. No woman is a ...

08 November 2010

My Cheese Has Been Moved

Nature's first green is goldHer hardest hue to holdHer early leaf's a flowerBut only so an hourThen leaf subsides to leafSo Eden sank to griefSo dawn goes down to dayNothing gold can stayThe above poem...

06 November 2010

Marsya's Get Together Party

I have been looking forward to this long weekend as I've specifically planned out something for myself. I've been very, very busy (when am I not, btw?? ) for the past few weeks & thought of pampering...

05 November 2010

Happy Friday

As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasnt supposed to ever let you down, probably will. You will have your heart broken probably more than once and it's harder every time. You'll break...

03 November 2010

Winter In Malaysia?

As much as I love going for a window shopping in places like Zara, Gap, Marks & Spencer so on & so forth, it's this time of the year where I'm a bit reluctant to do so. Going to these places now...

02 November 2010

Not 100% Please......

Every woman in this world loves their men and every wife loves their husbands. It's a simple fact nobody can deny. But then, I honestly feels that there should be a limit to the degree of love they had...