28 January 2011

Happy Friday

Most of us will be on a long holiday next week especially those who are working in the Federal Territory as next Tuesday is the Fed. Territory Day - including yours truly ! Woooo hoooooo !!!Today itself,...

24 January 2011

When The Dumb Gets Dumber !

Many Malaysian men still using women-only coaches Kuala Lumpur (The Star/ANN) - The coaches clearly carry signs that they are for women only, yet many men get into them and race with women...

21 January 2011

Happy Friday

Frown and you frown alone, but smile and the whole world smiles with you. Smiling is a great way to make yourself stand out while helping your body to function better. Not only it improve your health...

19 January 2011

Do I Need To Say More?

Last year on the 28th April, KTM Komuter introduces the pink coach for the ladies. This special coach themed "Ladies Only At All Times" only allows ladies to be on board and boys aged below 12 if they...

18 January 2011

Men After Marriage

Love is blind but marriage is an eye-opener. We often hear these kind of jokes every now & then about marriages. The sad thing is that it is usually women who's at the at the receiving end of all...

14 January 2011

Happy Friday

Life is not like a bed of roses. It needs to rain in order to get the rainbows. Everything in life is a lesson- what you take from what you learned is what is important. If something did or didn’t happen,...

The Title-less Entry

I know I'm bad. I know I'm harsh. And I know I can be really mean too at times. - especially towards the other gender. My men-bashing issues have often triggered the anger from the opposite sex. Lots...

13 January 2011

Tall vs. Short

To all males who happen to bump into this entry, my thousand apologies if some of you get offended with the issue I'm about to discuss herewith. I am in no position to condemn God's creation, what else...

12 January 2011

Why I Like Attending Weddings

Since I am still in the wedding mood, my next entry would still revolves around the same subject. I dunno about you guys but for me, I just love attending weddings.1. I get to dress myself up. Though...

11 January 2011

Farrah's Engagement

Last Sunday was the most memorable day for my friend, Farrah as it was the day she got engaged to her handsome Mauritius beau. They are such a lovely couple who are really made for each other very, very...

07 January 2011

Happy Friday

Reading the above quote, I could only hope. Hope that when that "someday" arrives, I would be able to open up to him. Hope that I would be able to trust like I used to. Hope that I would be able to love...

06 January 2011

My Unfulfilled Dreams

As last year been a good year for me, 2011 doesnt seems to follow the same trend. Marsya dropped a bomb yesterday by handing me this letter :This is how she gave me the letter (which was written in Microsoft...

Farewell 2010, Hello 2011

Goodbye 2010 & welcome 2011. This year has gone so fast that I'm still not quite sure if I've had a good or bad year. There have been some ups and some downs, as usual. But honestly, it has been a...