After the great lunch, we went to play bowling @ Flamingo, Ampang. Honestly, bowling has never been my interest. And my daughter, Marsya is using my birthday to get her to play bowling. Instead of doing...
28 February 2011
My Birthday Lunch
CT took me out for lunch at Santai as my birthday treat. She knew I love that place & taking me there wouldnt be a mistake at all. I really like the food there being their ABC as the top of the list....
26 February 2011
Surprise !!!

It's my birthday today ...... Happy Birthday to me - another year older yet another year hotter ....... wooooo hoooooo !!As any other Saturdays, my day starts with my power-walking at Ampang Hilir Lake....
25 February 2011
My Pre-Birthday Lunch

Carol & Ija are so kind to treat me a pre-birthday lunch today. Actually it's not only them but Lin & Ain too but both simply cant make it. Ain is too sick ( poor girl ) while Lin is bz with her...
Appreciating Birthdays

People react differently to their birthdays - some would throw a big party for themselves, some would starts counting wrinkles on their faces and there are those that really care less & treat it...
Happy Friday

Loving yourself is a journey. There will always be good days and bad days. It's the ability to give yourself another chance after you screw up. It's the ability to forgive yourself after you unintentionally...
23 February 2011
Dead Bored

It has been ages since the last time I updated my blog. A few of my frens start querying about my well-being. To those who cares, I am not sick. Neither am I in any kind of shit that stops me from writing....
14 February 2011
It's That Time Of The Year Again

Today seems to be a special day for some of us. It's a day many been waiting and look forward for. To those who are celebrating Valentines Day, I hope you've made today as one of the moments you'd cherish...