Since my BFF, Carol left me about a month & a half ago, shopping has no longer been part of my routine during lunch time. When she's around we would made our shopping schedule to meet our visitation...
As compared to other Asian countries (Singapore excluded), Malaysians should be grateful as the majority of us can speak English very well. Some of the pakcik & makcik can even speak this international...
You know the bed feels warmer
Sleeping here alone
You know I dream in color
And do the things I want
You think you got the best of me
Think you've had the last laugh
Bet you think that everything...
Draw Something - the new app that has taken the world of smartphones by storm. If you love playing Pictionary as a board game with friends, now you can doodle away mobile style with Draw Something....
I got these lovely silicone moulds from Ija & Lin for my 42nd birthday recently.
It was really unexpected & an awesomely pleasant surprise when Ija handed me those bright, striking moulds....
Entry kali ni khas untuk my BFF - Mimi Suryana Abdul Rahim ( siap nama penuh lagi hehehe). I've been telling her for so many times but she refused to believe me just becoz she's head over heels in...
Nothing so interesting about me except for being the best mommy to my daughter, a well experienced engineer, an amazing cook, a passionate Vespa rider and last but not least, a hopelessly romantic lover
Uncle Bird
I missed Unc Bird ~ knowing I will never had the chance to talk to him
ever, until we meet again in Jannah, inshaallah, allahumma ameen..
I miss him.
I'm ...
mamai punya cerita
i was diagnosed with Tendonsomethingsomethinglitis. which in ordinary term
simply means tendon tear on my right shoulder caused by repetitive shoulder
Bunga Aisyah..
Kelahiran cucu saudara ketiga aku.. Yang nie istimewa sebab dia baby girl..
gegirl sangat.. Bunga Aisyah.. Tak rela dipanggil nenek.. kami sepakat
2013. A year of 365 days. Wait, February was 28 days this year right? Never
mind, too lazy to check.
It's a year full of great things to share. Accomplishm...
Easy Food Recipe
BAB V. METODOLOGI PENELITIAN blog informasi terbaru dan tutorial gratis
Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif yang bertuj...
If all fails….Give up….The good way (*wink*)
Sometimes the easiest way to solve a problem is to stop participating in
the problem. Sometimes the smartest choice is giving up.
I don’t think that giving...