03 July 2013

My Very First Shower Party

When I first got the Bridal Shower invitation from Christina (Carol's cousin), I was like, "bridal shower" ??? Heard of it before.....watched it in movies before.......but to experience it? Neverrrrr...

01 July 2013

My So-Called Corelle Disappointment

So, I've gotten my Corelle......and technically I should be happy, right? Frankly, I was happy when I first get hold of the box.....my face was gleaming with joy and smiles were all over my face. Unfortunately...

The Corelle Fever

I know I am supposed to talk about my walk-in wardrobe in this particular post but normal human like me can only plan. Apparently, that dream of mine can only be realized in another week or so. Patient...

29 June 2013

The Wallpaper Story

I have a lot of things going on around me since the last time I was here, which mostly comprises of the good ones, alhamdulillah. Everything is perfect, everything is good and everything is just great....

21 February 2013

Floor Decking Dilemma

Damn ! Damn ! Damn !!! I have 130 valves waiting to be calculated and sized but here I am busy designing my home's entrance walkaway ( or is it walkaway's entrance ? Arhhh...whateverrr.... ). This...

22 January 2013

Looking Forward

I was with Red Riant ( my beloved Vespa ) enjoying the cool Monday breeze when suddenly I noticed that I got a handful of things I looked forward to for the next 2 months or so. I should be counting...

20 January 2013

A Comeback? Nahhhhh !!!

I post a short write-up about lonely vs being alone on my Facebook wall earlier, which reads like this : A lot of time people got confused between being alone & being lonely. Often they asked...