03 March 2014

27 February 2014

My Belated Birthday Cake

Pralinosa – a name as beautiful as it is. Pralinosa in the culinary dictionary means “hazelnut paste” and in my very own dictionary, Pralinosa is my forever and ever no. 1 favourite cake. The only cheese...

A Quiet Birthday

It was my 44th birthday yesterday…… a quiet one indeed. The first to wish me was my darling Marsya, of course, while we were lying on bed waiting to fall asleep on that 25th night. A birthday...

20 February 2014

Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind

How happy is the blameless vestal’s lot! The world forgetting, by the world forgot. Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind! Each pray’r accepted, and each wish resign’d ― Alexander Pope,...