28 June 2016

Kuih Raya Charity Project

This is the 3rd year General Electric (GE) is conducting a kuih raya charity sale among the employee. And for the 3rd consecutive year, I was one of the volunteer. Since this year is not a bz year for...

25 June 2016

Weekend Well Spent

Today is the most awaited day for the week and i m glad it is finally here. So what seems to be so exciting about today? Firstly, its the day I am gonna meet up with my darling princess at her school....

24 June 2016

Warehouse Clearance Sale

I was browsing my FB timeline this morning when my eyes were suddenly locked at an ads which will excite any normal women on planet earth. Guess what? Bonita, Elianto, Tiamo, to name a few, are having...

23 June 2016


No.....dont go !!! This is indeed the correct blog. It's just.....different. A bit slicker. A bit refined. Dont you just love this new look? I hate to admit but the old RSOTM looks a bit too girly and...

My Come-Back Post

I was already on bed, tucked under my worn-out blankie getting ready to travel to the other world when all of a sudden i decided to open up my FB. I was sleepy n it was already past midnite and yet i...