Marsya had to go to school today - for the Hari Raya replacement leave. She's told my earlier that she wanted to stay back till 2.30 pm today as she've made a plan with her frens, Adlina & Aiman to play basketbal at school. Since it's gonna be at her scholl, so I said yes to her request.
Since I'm done with cooking early, I thought I might go & check Marsya out at school. Maybe took some pictures of her playing the basketball with her frens. Got there at her school by 1.30 pm. I'm quite suprised with the school environment that very day - it was so quiet & empty. I couldnt find any sight of students there at the school. I've started getting worried already then...well, who wouldnt?
I started looking for Marsya then....trying very hard not to be panic. I prcatically search the whole school areas - the basketball court, the school field, canteen, her classroom.... everyweher. Still no sign of her. By this time, my panic level has well risen up. I quickly grab my phone & started scrolling for Kak Nan's (Adlina's mum) number. Apparently, she too didnt know anything about it. All she knew, Adlina told her that she had a J-Qaf class today until 2.30 pm. I'm sure Adlina has lied to her mum coz I I know Marsya wouldnt do that. Notty...notty....
As soon as Kak Nan arrived at the school, we start to put our heads together trying to figure out where these 2 girls might be. Then Adlina's dad suggested that we should check Fatihah's house (another good friend of them) since she stayed just across the school. I voluntered to go there since I've been to her house before. Grab my scoot & rushed to Fatihah's place. unfortunately, she's not there too. Gosh...where are you Marsya? You are making mummy worried here , dear....
As I got back to the school, I saw Marsya running towards me, coming from the hostel behind the school. So, she was there all along - with Adlina. Apparently, Aiman's dad is the hostel's warden & it was his idea that the girls should stay there while waiting for us to fetch them back. I was so relieved the moment I saw her....syukur alhamdulillah.
Adlina's parent was so angry at her for lying to them. Well, she shouldnt have done that in the first place, anyway. Poor girl. As for me, since Marsya is telling me truth, I am not that angry la. I'm just worried...that's all. I'm so grateful it all end up fine. I dont know what i'm gonna do if something bad happen to her.
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