On our way back from JB, Zahid took us to this one special place somewhere along the trunk road in Ayer Hitam. I'm quite suprised by this place as I've never heard about it before. It was quite an interesting place to visit actually.
Eiffel Tower of Paris
Been to Tropical Village is like you've been to all over the world. It's a 32-acre theme park that features replicas of the world's famous structures within its grounds such as the Eiffel Tower, the Sphinx, Great Pyramid of Giza, Great Wall of China, Sleeping Buddha of Sri Lanka and mysterious stone monoliths of Easter Island.
Easter Island
Looking at the place, it's quite suprising not many people knows of its existence, me included. I guess it lacks publicity & promotions. Lots need to be done to promote this place. I'm very sure I'm not the only person who've never heard of the place before.
.Leaning Tower of Pisa (posing maut tuuuu !!!! )
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.For those who are interested to check out this place, the entrance fee is RM 8.00 for adult & RM 4.oo for children. Touring by your own car is also allowed (which is highly recommended) with a price of RM 5.00/car.
The Little Mermaid of Copenhagen
The Taj Mahal of India
Windmill of Holland
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