30 April 2009

It's Good To Be Back

Today is d-day! The most awaited day has finally arrives. It's the day I'm driving back to Kuantan.....yabeda beduuuu !!! The initial plan is ETD 1500 hrs from Pandan Indah. Tapi biasalah kan.....kita...

Nothing Beats The Male Ego

A friend of mine told me once : “If you think KLCC is is high, wait till you see a guy’s ego. They’re nothing in comparable with”. I have to agree with her. Nothing beats a guy’s ego. They’re so high...

28 April 2009

Jom Balik Kampung

Am taking a long leave this weekend - on top of the Labour Day public holiday on Friday. Akak nak balik kampunggggg........Kuantan, here I come !! The only setback to this excitement is of course the...

27 April 2009

New Moon

I'm done with New Moon in one day. Not that it's such an interesting book to read....in fact, Twilight is much better than this one. It's just that I'm trying to finish the boring part so much that I...

24 April 2009

Twilight....The Movie

Finally, I'm done with both - the book & the movie. And I'm sure you guys knew which one I preferred. Of course, it's the book. I wouldnt have fallen in love with Edward Cullen if I have not read...

22 April 2009

I’m In Love……..

Oh yesss…….I’m in love !!!! I’m in love with Edward Cullen, the vampire. I’m so obsessed by this character. He was in my mind all the time – how I’d wished I could have a vampire boyfriend – the inhumanly...

20 April 2009

I Hate Mondays !!!

Urrgghhhh.......it's Monday again. I've to drag myself out from bed this morning & it's really tough. This is what happened when you have one extra day for your normal 2-days weekend. I was on leave...

16 April 2009

It's Shopping Time !!!

Juz came back from KLCC - shopping la apa lagi. I've decided to reward myself with the bonus money I recently got. Lagipun dah lama benor rasanya akak tak sopping kan. So, what did I buy? Hehehehe.......what...

14 April 2009

Be Grateful

I was so mad with Marsya this morning. I cooked her Fried Kuay Teow for breakfast which turned out to be not to her taste. As always, I like to be adventurous when it comes to cooking - in terms of trying...

13 April 2009

Anugerah Bintang Popular 2008

Malam tadi nengok ABP 2008 - not that I'm really into it but having to watch ke"gedik"an & the stupidity of the Malaysian celebrities is something not to be missed coz it's fun! I've to get myself...

11 April 2009

Rude Cab Driver

. This is how exactly I looked like earlier this afternoon – very, very mad! I’ve created a situation at this one restaurant just now. Dah lama benor aku tak marah orang camni – very the sakit hati one...

10 April 2009

New Design For Cigarette’s Box

.Last nite after fetching Marsya from her piano class, we stopped by at the 7-E to get her favourite Slurpy. Then, a guy approach the counter to buy a box of cigarette. The funny thing here is the way...

08 April 2009

The Runaway Maid

.Aduhhh.....pening kepala akuuuuuu!!!!! Maid aku buat “larian merentas kota” la pulak ! Marsya called me up this afternoon telling me that my maid has gone missing. It seems that she left the house @...

07 April 2009

Suprise Calls

Yes ! Finally after 7 solid days, I'm declaring myself as a 100% fever-free person. Pheww....such a relief. Seksa dek....bukan 1, bukan 2...tapi 7 hari demam! Tak penah2 aku demam teruk camni...must...

03 April 2009

I’m So Sick

.Been on MC for 4 days altogether for the past 1 1/2 week. Feeling very, very sick and weak. That explains the absence of any new entry in my blog. In fact, I'm on my sick leave today & decided to...

Earth Hour 2009

.This blog entry might be the last posting ever been made about Earth Hour since it took place about a week ago i.e. on the 28th March 2009 @ 8.30 - 9.30 pm. It's an initiative by the World Wildlife...