03 April 2009

I’m So Sick



Been on MC for 4 days altogether for the past 1 1/2 week. Feeling very, very sick and weak. That explains the absence of any new entry in my blog. In fact, I'm on my sick leave today & decided to blog just to kill my boredom.


It started last week when I got an eye sore. When I woke up in the morning, my eyes are glued together due to the excessive discharged from the eyes. My eyes didnt swell or turned red not until the next day. Then only the discomfort begins….ouch j0424480 ! The blessings? 2 days MC of course.


Few days after that my throat started killing me. It’s so painful I find it hard even to talk….let alone to eat or to drink. This is even worse than the eye sore. All these, the eye discomfort & throat pain I guess must be becoz of the body heat. My body is dehydrating due to lack of fluids. This is one my major health problem – my difficulties to consume enuff water per day. The most I would take is about 3 – 4 glasses of water per day which is wayyyyy too far from the suggested amount of minimum 7 glasses. Very bad indeed ! Now I’m paying the price for it which turned out to be quite bad.


Had a fever for a few days then. The fever is still bearable but the throat....God help me!! It is so damn painful especially when you woke up in the middle of the nite when it's so dry. It feels like a dagger being stabbed repeatedly in your throat. Cant eat....cant drink....cant talk......felt so dead !

Moral of the story : drink lots n lots of waterrrrrrrrr !!!!!!!! j0303353


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