Am I too old to play a board game? Dont think so...... Bought this Risk board game for Marsya's birthday recently.....boleh tahan jugak la mahalnya - RM 140.00. I guess that's the price range for all board games - the imported ones la. Those like Saidina, Sahibba etc...etc...should be more cheaper I guess.

I vaguely remembered this Risk game which was being played by my brothers when we're still very young. Since our parents couldnt afford it, my big brother ended up making it on his own. One thing that is still fresh in my mind is when he actually copied the cracks on the wall to make it as the map.....quite creative of him to do so. The only thing we have to buy to complete the game is a few dices which wont cost a lot. Cant really remember what have been used as the soldiers though.

Risk is a game of strategy where dominating the world is the goal. It's an interesting game - the best board game I've ever played. However, it took me about a week to actually understood the game rules - well, you cant expect a 40 year old lady to catch up fast on this kindof things, isn't it?

For those who never played this game before, I strongly suggested youto give it s shot - it's damn worth it. You'll get stucked on your seat for hours - trying to conquer the world. You'll get bored easily playing other board games but certainly not this particular one. This would definately be the game for our family when everybody are back........cepatlah rayaaaaaa !!!!!

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