06 February 2010

Sleepless In Seattle

When I fall in love
It will be forever
Or I'll never fall in love

In a restless world
Like this is
Love is ended before it's begun
And too many
Moonlight kisses
Seem to cool in the warmth of the sun

When I give my heart
I give it completely
Or I'll never give my heart

And the moment
I can feel that you feel that way too

Is when I fall in love with you

It took me 17 years to watch this movie & frankly, it's far than worth it. I am so loving this movie. The sweetest love story ever. So, so sweet & very, very funny too. One minute I'll be laughing out loud & the other minute I'll be weeping. Cant blame me......I'm a Piscean & being one, having a soft heart is my weakness.

There are so many things I love about this movie apart from its storyline. Anyway, I'm just gona list a few things I've learned after watching this movie - something to ponder :

1. It rains for 9 months in a year in Seattle. Didnt know that until I've watched this movie. I've got to learn Geography too......how nice !

2. Follow your heart even though it might seems crazy. Annie flew all the way from Baltimore to Seattle just becoz her heart tells her so. It's crazy, yes but it's all worth it.

3. Dont watch too many movies, love story in particular, after you've engaged. It can sometimes play your minds around leaving you feeling very lost & confused........hehehe. Just a friendly warning anyway. Those with a strong heart need not to worry though.

4. Love will always find its way through, even when you think it's impossible. That's the power of love. If the person's yours, nothing could stop it from happening.

5. Apart from being powerful, love is also supposed to be magical. You're supposed to feel the magic which tells you that it's him, your soul-mate. Dunno about you guys, but I've never really felt that magic yet - which explains why I am still alone.....huhuhu.

And another thing, I've just discovered that the Bollywood movie, Mann ( which Aamir Khan & Manisha Koirala acted in it) was actually an exact copy of a classic Hollywood movie called An Affair To Remember. So typical of a hindi movies but at least not those films my Shah Rukh was starring.....hehehe.

Anyway, An Affair To Remember is one movie I've gotta watch. It seems that 2 million copies of this movie have been sold after the release of Sleepless In Seattle !

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