24 May 2010

Parenting Challenges

I am still trembling as I'm writing this entry. Nope, it's neither becoz I'm in great fear and nor am I having the Parkinson's syndrome. The fact is that, I was trembling with an outbursts of anger. My...

19 May 2010

Behold The Power Of The Boobs

Before I start, I would like to apologize in advance to all of my male readers for any un-easiness or un-pleasantness of their "south territory" for the following entry - being a normal man for that matter,...

13 May 2010

Worn Out !

I am so exhausted......really am. For the past 2 1/2 weeks I've been bogged down with work that I dont have the luxury to do the things I've used to do - no more blog hopping, googling recipes, FB-ing,...

05 May 2010

The Other Woman

A few days ago in the midst of our battle with the 700++ valves, me & my BFF were talking about how some women would put the blame on the "other woman" when their husband is having an affair. I'm...

03 May 2010

Anugerah Industri Muzik 2010

If any of you were wondering whether I would write a review on last night's AIM, well the answer is no. To start with, I've totally forgotten about it - not until Marsya told me so. Getting the right...

02 May 2010

The Indecent Proposal

I'm speechless. Not that I didnt know they're an airhead but the fact that they proudly flaunt their stupidity amazed me - not in the sense of impressing me but rather shocked me. Knowing the fact that...