13 May 2010

Worn Out !

I am so exhausted......really am. For the past 2 1/2 weeks I've been bogged down with work that I dont have the luxury to do the things I've used to do - no more blog hopping, googling recipes, FB-ing, checking stuff on ebay, window shopping in KLCC / Pavilion - damn, didnt notice I've missed out such a big chunk of my life. And you know what I missed the most ? Being in the fitting room trying out new clothes ! Uwaaaaa.........

The only thing you can find mangling in my head right now are no other than valves, cavitation, flashing, hardfacing.....work, work and only work. For the past 3 days I've been burning the midnight candles in the office - of which at the same time burning me down.....huhuhu.

So, to those who've been wondering as to why is my blog being deserted for days - well, now you know why. At this point of time, home is the only place that allows me to blog or getting myself connected to the virtual world. Sadly since last Monday, even that privilege has been taken away from me after some vicious virus attacked my personal lappie - which completely cuts me off from the cyber community. It just cant get any worse than this, isnt it?

But that's not all......yet another burden is waiting for me......huhuhu. I need to conduct a training for the Vietnam agents next week. And the best thing about it is that, I havent prepared a single thing for the the training. Worse comes to worst, I'll just give them some training on Facebook-ing like I did to the Koreans a few years ago......hahahaha. If you think this is a joke, well you're so wrong - it did happen and I'm so proud of it ! LOL !!!

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