I know I'm not supposed to shop this month (coz I've way exceeded my shopping budget for last month), I know I've been spending money (though not luxuriously) for the past 3 consecutive days and I know...
30 June 2010
The Shoe Story

I was at Pavilion ( yes.... again !) yesterday with my BFF. Nope, I'm no more in a quest for shoes though I still have 2 more shoes (silver & gold coloured shoes, that is) outstanding in my long must-haves...
29 June 2010
28 June 2010
Falling In Love Again?

To me, love is going to bed at night knowing that there is that one person out there who is thinking of you at the same moment. Love is not being able to sleep without hearing their voice just before...
25 June 2010
Ridiculous Sales Strategy By MNG
Remember this shoe from MNG ? I wrote about it 2 months ago, telling you guys how much I loved this shoe but not being able to own it due to my budget constraint.......huhuhu. Anyway, past is past &...
24 June 2010
23 June 2010
Butterflies In My Stomach

When was the last time your heart beats frantically as if it's gonna burst any moment? When was the last time your heart pumped twice as much blood through your veins that you feel a sudden heat rushing...
22 June 2010
Being Grateful

Being contented with life is indeed something very difficult to achieve. Many people aim for the highest peak in their lives - they wanna be successful, they wanna be rich & they wanna have all the...
21 June 2010
I Love Kimora !

I was busy cleaning up my apartment on Sunday after deserting it for a week or so ( yeahhhh, as if I cleaned my house every other day....duhhhhhh ). Anyway, it's a lot of work - considering that I haven't...
18 June 2010
Hutan Lipur Berkelah

I've heard of this place a few times before but never really had a chance to go there. Pandan Waterfalls & Berkelah Waterfalls are the two popular waterfalls in Kuantan. Been to Pandan Waterfalls...
Chicken Rice @ Tanjung Ria
I've been told once by a local Kuantanese about this Chicken Rice which according to him is the best in town. It was about a year ago when he told me that & I've been wanting to try it out ever since....
17 June 2010
Santai @ Tg. Lumpur, Kuantan
15th June was my mum's birthday. So, we thought celebrated it by eating out for dinner. As far as eating out is concern, Kuantan doesnt really have that much of variety. It's either that or our standard...
Money Talks

Just heard the news about Azrinaz being divorced by the Sultan of Brunei yesterday evening. It was indeed a shocking news to all Malaysians generally. Everybody were so envious of her when she made the...
16 June 2010
15 June 2010
Tong Juan Restaurant
While having breakfast at my dad's favourite restaurant - Restoran Mustaqim, I received a call from my BFF who kindof invited me to her house in Kemaman. Since I didnt have any plans for the day &...