05 May 2011

My Robocop Leg

One thing I hate about surgery regardless if it’s a minor or major is the post-operation experience. The effect from the anesthetic really kills me. The vomitish & nauseous feeling was all over me. They are too great that I almost didn’t notice the pain on my knee due to the operation. My head was spinning as if I am having vertigo – I can’t sit, can’t sleep, can’t eat….and practically can’t do a thing. And this will go on for at least 2 days ( in my case, dunno about others tho. )

Alhamdulillah, the operation went well. After 2 hours in the OT, this is how my leg looks like : doesn’t it reminds you of Robocop?

This thing called leg-brace is the option to the traditional cast. I am so relieved they’ve came up with this option coz gotten my leg on cast would be twice difficult for me to move around. This brace itself is quite heavy – imagine the cast! With that thought in mind I begged the doctor to use the brace instead. My justification : I need to take care of my daughter on my own & with the cast around my leg, things gonna be twice harder for me.

FYI, I’ll be having this Robocop leg for the next 6 – 8 weeks. It may not be as heavy as the cast but it still restricts the movement of my leg. Being in this situation makes me realize how lucky I’ve been all these whiles. How lucky I am to be able to walk, run, climb, hop, leap & jump unlike certain people out there who could just sit & watch. It gave me the chance to thank Allah for all the blessings & luxuries of life given to me during my entire life.

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