19 January 2010

Being Happy

A fren asked me last week what would be my goal for 2010. Very promptly I replied that ultimate happiness would be it - not only it's my 2010's goal but more like a life time goal for me. His response then surprised me. "So, you're getting married is it?"

For a moment he managed to keep my mouth shut. I was in a complete mute. It never occurred to me that marriage is one of the way to an ultimate happiness (cant blame me for having that thought tho). That would means, I'm totally lost in finding my happiness then. However, after a few seconds I just burst out laughing. It's funny come to think of how shallow minded some people can be.

Marriage is something that I've concluded is juz not meant for me . Me & marriage can never be in tune. I'm just not fit to be anybody's wife. If marriage brought happiness to many people, it certainly didnt give the same effect on me. I'm not complaining...neither am I grumbling. I've accepted my fate as how it was laid down for me. In fact, I'm grateful for a lot of other good things that have been blessed to me.

In my pursuit to happiness, I’m gonna make a list of 10 simple things that makes me happy. These are among the first 10 things that crossed my mind. Now that my brain is cranking, I keep thinking of more (not a bad thing)! These are in no particular order :

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Hugs & kisses from loved ones

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My blog especially comments on a blog entry I wrote…thanks guys !

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Cooking a great dish where everybody enjoyed

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Riding my Red Scoot after the rain

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Listening songs which bring back good memories

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Buying something I’ve wanted for a long time

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Hanging out with good friends and family

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Being told I look nice

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Curling up on bed on a rainy afternoon

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Reading a good book you can’t seem to put down

So it’s not that difficult to be happy actually. Like a Sweedish proverb says, those who wish to sing, always find a song. It doesnt cost a thing to be happy. Being happy doesnt mean that everything is perfect. It means that you’ve decided to look beyond the imperfections.

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