20 January 2010

Past Is Past

If you're given a chance to change your past, what would you like to change?

For a quick reply to this answer, I only have one thing I would like to change and that would be somewhere in August 1994. It was when I found my love & ending up losing it. I should have fought harder for it - this is what I wanna change.

But then come to think of it, things happened for a reason. If I were to change my past according to my desire, I might not have Marsya now ( though I might end up with Zahra....hehehehe). I might not experience some of the moments I truly cherish if I would alter something.

As far as life experience is concerned, I've gone through a lot more as compared to any other woman of my age. My past histories make me a strong woman I am today. I have scars that remind me of some dark time in my life, but I know I never feel the same without it. I ♥ who I am today & am very grateful of it.

So, though there's a hell lots of things I would like to change but whats in the past should stay in the past as I say. Stop worrying about the past when there is nothing we can do to change it. We learn from the past and live for the future but life is way to short to waste so…. live it up, act like its your last, break the rules forgive quickly and never regret any thing that made us smile.

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