04 June 2011

The Wedding Story - The Big Day

Finally, the moment arrives. It's the moment where all plannings & dreams are turned into reality. A moment to be remembered by all especially both the bride & groom. It's a special day for them where every seconds shall be glued in their memory for as long as they lived.

The wedding's theme colour is red which happens to be my favourite colour. Red is goods it always brings out the mood of any occasion, thus creating a livelier ambiance. As far as red is concerned, you can never go wrong with this shade as it is totally happening.

When the theme colour has been set as red, everything should adhere to it, where possible. The decoration for the pelamin & bedroom are mainly based on the said colour. I dont have the picture of the pelamin & the bedroom as I dont really like the way the Pak Andam did it.

The red scallops used to decorate the pelamin & bedroom sort of reminded me of the red cloth the Chinese used to hang at the entrance door especially during the opening of their new shop. I know I'm mean but looking at it automatically shift my mind towards that.....huhuhu.

To those who didnt know, my sister was married to an army officer, Kapt. Azrul. I've never seen or attend any army wedding in my entire life before. Well, all I can say is that the whole event was such a glorious & splendid affair, unlike the common wedding you would normally see. Of course, it was an army’s wedding, thus full of formalities. If you don’t know or have never seen an army weds before, you should seek an opportunity at your very best to do so.

First, instead of the kompang, the couple will be assisted by the bag pipers (which would definitely brought your mind to the movie “Braveheart”), together with six handsome looking sword-bearers. In my sister's case, there's no bag pipers available - so they will have to make do with the bag pipe music coming from a CD instead.

The groom i.e. my BIL and the sword-bearers were immaculately clad in a well-fitted official army’s suit. To me, once a guy is in his uniform, he'll automatically transformed into a gorgeous looking man, regardless of how he actually looks like. The uniform is like magic that could easily overrule his looks without any doubt. Though I’ve seen my BIL countless times, I must say he looked much, much better in his white army suit. My sister, on the other hand was beautifully dressed in white lace bridal gown.

The groom was escorted by an officer (the best man) together with the sword-bearers troop where they marched till they reached the wedding arch. The best man would then fetch the bride & took her to the groom who was waiting at the other end. Then, both the bride and groom walked underneath the shining swords. Happening, I tell you......I couldn’t keep my jaw from dropping the whole time. It was totally awesome !

Followed thereafter was the bersanding ceremony, still in accordance to the army's wedding protocol. The sword-bearers lined up on both sides of the pelamin, making way for the selected individuals to menepung-tawar. Later, each of the sword-bearers would come out from the lines & salute the groom. And yes......my jaw was still dropping...

Next the couple headed to the main table for the makan beradap ceremony. Nothing unusual here & I took the opportunity to finally shut my mouth. The makan beradap was then followed by the cake cutting session. Again, the sword bearers played their roles during this ceremony. I was too amazed that I failed to capture those moments via my IXUS. The sword bearers will first touch the tips of their swords together-gether while shaking it slowly for a few seconds till the groom gave a signal to stop. Only then the couple cut the cake underneath a pile of shining swords.

That was it - the highlight of my sister's wedding. The rest are pretty much the same as any other weddings. I was lucky enuff that I no longer need to use the crutches to move around. Though I was still limping but at least those crutches were not presence to spoil my glamorous looks & outfit.

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