04 June 2011

The Wedding Story - Khatam Quran

The Khatam Quran is another ceremony some brides chose to include as part of their wedding events. Khatam Quran is originally not meant for the brides-to-be. It is a ceremony to honor those who have completed the recital of the whole Quran regardless of being a bride or not.

Nowadays many brides opt to perform the Khatam Quran prior to their big day. Note that only the bride would normally carried out this tradition & not the groom. But it doesnt mean that the groom have yet to complete the whole Quran. It's just that the ladies are more into these kind of things while the guys always prefer to stick to the basic stuffs only as Khatam Quran is absolutely not the requirement for a wedding according to Islamic law.

My sister's Khatam Quran takes place in the morning - right before the main event itself. Since she didnt hire any make-up artist for that event, I was given the honour to complete that particular task. Though applying make-up is not something new to me but that only revolves around my own face. I've never actually done it to somebody else except for Marsya during her school concert.

So, the pressure still builds up in me - fearing that the outcome doesnt meet to the expectation. Luckily things turned out well. I may not be a professional but good enough to make my pretty sister prettier.

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