29 November 2009

In The Spirit of Lurve

A bell is no bell 'til you ring it, A song is no song 'til you sing it,And love in your heartWasn’t put there to stayLove isn’t love'Til you give it awayOscar Hammerstein, Sound of Mu...

A Thank You Note

On behalf of my family, I would like to thank everybody who’ve helped our family to make the event a success. Special thanks to Atie & her lovely nieces & nephews for your great help....

Interesting Facts of The Kenduri

2 bunga manggar were prepared for the pengantin but none of us actually remembered to use them. Cant really blame us as it was raining when the pengantin arrived. About 200+ of the cupcakes ( wedding...

My Lovely Engaged Sis

Make-up can really change one's look kan? Aida looked totally different with that thick make-up on her face. I'm so used to see her without any make-up that I barely can see the real her behind it. I...

Stupid Engagement Rules

The ceremony started @ 10 am in the morning where the guy's family came over with the hantarans - 7 altogether. Those who didnt know ( especially my readers from other parts of the world....chewahhh),...

The Engagement Stuffs

My sister engaged this Mak Andam called Uji for her pelamin & bilik pengantin for my bro. I love both of them - so sweet and simple. Not too extravaganza or overly decorated - just nicely done - sesedap...

2 in 1 Celebration

My busy schedule continued till this week. The day before yesterday was Hari Raya Haji & as usual I celebrated it with my family in Kuantan. Being in the monsoon season, it has been raining all day...

27 November 2009

Salam Aidil Adha

It's 10 Zulhijjah today where Hari Raya Aidil Adha a.k.a Hari Raya Haji is celebrated among the Muslims. Hari Raya Haji, or the "pilgrimage festival", marks the end of a Muslim's pilgrimage to the holy...

26 November 2009

Satay Zaini

When it comes to satay, the first name that come rushing to our minds, mostly would be Satay Hj Samuri. Satay Hj Samuri was once the most popular satay in town. People would travel all the way to Kajang...

21 November 2009

Wedding Story - The Big Day

I've been very, very busy for the past 1-2 days that I didnt have the time to continue my story on my bro.'s wedding. Am working out something with a friend which requires loads of time & commitment...

20 November 2009

Wedding Story - The Akad Nikah

Aku terima nikahnya.......The 2nd part of this wedding story would be the Akad Nikah ceremony. This ceremony is being held on Friday night at the bride's home in Kampar, Perak. The original plan is to...

Wedding Story - The Hantaran

Before I proceed, let me warn you readers in advance.....for the next few entries, it'll only be stories of my bro.'s wedding - nothing else but that. Imagine if it's my own....you'll be puking yourself...