No. 41 Jalan Chow Kit is the address of the above traditional Malay house. Being sandwiched in between two concrete building in the midst of the busy street of Chow Kit, this house remained standing strong for over than eight decades. Amazing, isn't it?
I came across this house while with Ain & her mum last Saturday. Thanks to Ain for stopping at the junction for a few seconds allowing me to snap this pic. Based on my research through the net, the house is owned by a 76 year old lady by the name of Normah Majawali. According to Normah, the house was built in 1926 by his grandfather, Haji Jaafar Sutan Sinombar.
The house had undergone the process of conservation with a cost of more than RM 10K, incurred by the Heritage Department of Malaysia in 2006. The property was last offered at a price of RM2 million a few years ago. Nenek Normah doesnt have the intention to sell the house as it has become the symbol of memories for her great granchildren. Besides, it has been the heritage landmark for the community on the history of Kuala Lumpur.
Reading about the house makes me so wanna go there & meet Nenek Normah personally. It would be fun to have a chat with her in that legendary house of hers. Do you think I should work towards that idea? Hmmm....at least, it'll gives me something to ponder these few days.
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