Cumulus - a very nice restaurant by the sea. Very beautiful setup & venue for our Tropical Dinner along with the small swimming pool at one corner. Overall, the decorations & settings are very impressive. Since it is just by the sea, the view is just so out of the world. Imagine, having your dinner while listening to the smooth sound of the low evening tides....... awesome!

The food is also amazing especially those barbecued seafood. The squids, prawns & fish are so fresh & the sweetness of the taste are simply scrumptious. Wonderful food + incredible what do you get? Absolutely an astounding night !

Apart from the surroundings & food, I would also like to announce here that I was crowned as the Best Dressed Female of the night......yooohooooo !!! Who would have guessed that actually. Especially when I dont really invest on the attire. I only spent like RM13 for the tops. The rest are already in my possession for so long including all those tropical & flowery accessories (including the slippers too ).

For the Best Dressed award, I got an Isetan RM150 shopping voucher......oklah, better than nothing kan? Shamsul got the Best Dressed Male award - it's the straw hat that contributed to his winning.

You know..... since you win something, the crwod is expecting you to give something back to them - not in he monetary form but in my case, it's in a form of entertainment. These people make us, Miss & Mr Dresser dance that night. Sabar je lah...... All I know, I'm very sure they are entertained by my Mr Bean's dance-a-like that night ! I just moved my body everywhere....all possible directions. That is all dancing are all about, isnt it? You just have to move that booty !!!

Besides the Best Dressed awards, there are 8 lucky draws that night of which none of them landed in my hand. Nothing is so surprisingly strange there coz as far as lucky draw is concerned. I'm just never lucky. In my 39++ years of age, not even once I've ever won a lucky draw. Very the unlucky woman I am ! Huhuhu......

The food is also amazing especially those barbecued seafood. The squids, prawns & fish are so fresh & the sweetness of the taste are simply scrumptious. Wonderful food + incredible what do you get? Absolutely an astounding night !
Apart from the surroundings & food, I would also like to announce here that I was crowned as the Best Dressed Female of the night......yooohooooo !!! Who would have guessed that actually. Especially when I dont really invest on the attire. I only spent like RM13 for the tops. The rest are already in my possession for so long including all those tropical & flowery accessories (including the slippers too ).
For the Best Dressed award, I got an Isetan RM150 shopping voucher......oklah, better than nothing kan? Shamsul got the Best Dressed Male award - it's the straw hat that contributed to his winning.
You know..... since you win something, the crwod is expecting you to give something back to them - not in he monetary form but in my case, it's in a form of entertainment. These people make us, Miss & Mr Dresser dance that night. Sabar je lah...... All I know, I'm very sure they are entertained by my Mr Bean's dance-a-like that night ! I just moved my body everywhere....all possible directions. That is all dancing are all about, isnt it? You just have to move that booty !!!
Besides the Best Dressed awards, there are 8 lucky draws that night of which none of them landed in my hand. Nothing is so surprisingly strange there coz as far as lucky draw is concerned. I'm just never lucky. In my 39++ years of age, not even once I've ever won a lucky draw. Very the unlucky woman I am ! Huhuhu......
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