After the telematch, with half of the population not having their breakfast, all we can think of is and of course, food ! As scheduled, the lunch is at this restaurant called Fresh. The restaurant set up & atmosphere are quite nice actually - modern contemporary concept it is. The lightings, table & settings are quite in place & pleasant looking.

Anyway, food variety is not as impressive. I noticed that they dont really have lots of varieties on their main dishes. Well, not only the main dishes actually, same goes on the dessert. For the kindof standard they've set for themselves, the food certainly doesnt coincide.
There are not so many options available which left you wandering around thinking what else to eat. Besides the rice, they should have other varieties such as noodles, pasta, pizza or other types of heavy meals.

Luckily my tiredness overkilled my appetite to eat that afternoon. Otherwise I would be one of their disappointed guests. The only thing I ate is the snapper fish head. The only food that manage to activate my salivary glands. I am just too tired (due to the Tug of War) to eat.
Anyway, food variety is not as impressive. I noticed that they dont really have lots of varieties on their main dishes. Well, not only the main dishes actually, same goes on the dessert. For the kindof standard they've set for themselves, the food certainly doesnt coincide.
There are not so many options available which left you wandering around thinking what else to eat. Besides the rice, they should have other varieties such as noodles, pasta, pizza or other types of heavy meals.
Luckily my tiredness overkilled my appetite to eat that afternoon. Otherwise I would be one of their disappointed guests. The only thing I ate is the snapper fish head. The only food that manage to activate my salivary glands. I am just too tired (due to the Tug of War) to eat.
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