27 July 2010

Sekinchan Ikan Bakar

After a long break (to give way to the Fifa World Cup 2010), the Celibacy Club has been officially re-enacted last Friday. The destination this time was Sekinchan Ikan Bakar Restaurant. Though the name...

26 July 2010

Mr. Asshole Meets Ms. Slut

Remember the entry I wrote about the crush I had on Mr Big (from Sex & The City) ? Well FYI, that feeling just got crushed last weekend. It was really bad not a single tiny-miny love molecules left...

20 July 2010

A Simple Thanks Will Do

I am an Application Engineer (AE) & have been that ever since I started my working life approximately 16 years ago. And I'm quite certain I would retire as an AE too since that's what I've always...

15 July 2010

Walk For Charity 2010

Islamic Outreach ABIM invites Malaysian community members to sign up for their annual “Walk For Charity” event on Sunday, July 25 2010 at Dataran Merdeka, Kuala Lumpur. Participants can register by...

14 July 2010

My Salami Story

I stopped by @ Carrefour (in Axis, the newly opened shopping mall in Taman Cempaka, Ampang) after work today to get some Chicken Pastrami since I was into sandwiches for breakfast these days - not only...

13 July 2010

Let's Talk Eclipse

Watched this long awaited movie last Friday with Lin & sisters. Been wanting to write the review since Saturday but then I was really occupied the whole weekend, accompanying my BFF from Kuantan....

09 July 2010

Borneo Baruk Club

Me & a few of my BFFs had this arrangement on how to wisely spend our lunch time and this is how we've planned it. Every Thursday, we're gonna have lunch at a place picked by each one of us every...

08 July 2010

The Gift

I've been thinking the whole day (despite of the amount of work I had at the office) what to write for my today's entry and I end up with nothing. Zero. Nil. Perhaps my mind was fully occupied with valves...

07 July 2010

Things I Hate About Me

Okay, I have to agree that I bitch a lot about men - not that I like doing it but I just cant help it - men are simply disgusting. Besides them, there are a few females who managed to make an appearance...

06 July 2010

Women & Sacrifice

Women and sacrifice are very synonym. They both go hand in hand. Being a woman, we'll go into a series of sacrifices in our lives - be it big or small. Though I didnt have the statistic nor did any research...

02 July 2010

The Rudeness Epidemic

Rude people, they are everywhere. On the road honking till you flipped. At the counter, cutting queues. At the office, ignoring your presence as if you are invisible. They are just everywhere! It is awful...