A promise, as defined by Merriam-Webster Dictionary, is: "a declaration that one will do or refrain from doing something specified; or a legally binding declaration that gives the person to whom it is made a right to expect or to claim the performance or forbearance of a specified act."
Promise is a norm in anybody's live. We make promises every other day - to our parents, friends and even a promise to our own selves. There is nothing so immense about making promises.... it's keeping them that makes it huge. Anybody can make promises but it takes a real man to keep it !
A lot of us are quite casual at making promises which ends up promises being made with no real intention of keeping them. "Let's meet up," "I'll call you later," "I'll be there in 10 minutes" are some examples of a throwaway promises we heard everyday but seldom they are kept. It looked small but this casual attitude can end up with real consequences.
Some people apply a rating scale to promises. Breaking a big promises is a definitely a no-no while the small ones are acceptable. A promise is a promise - they don't come in sizes. Brains do but not promises !
When promises are broken, no matter how small it may seem to you, the world wouldn't collapse but it can surely damage a relationship or your reputation. When somebody asked you to promise them something, there must be a reason why you were chosen in the first place. Think about it.....if you break the promise made to her, it will definitely makes her feel cheated and violated. She will be wondering whether she was wrong to ever trusted you coz you have clearly let her down, be it intentionally or unintentionally.
So please understand the important of keeping a promise. It is not "just a promise" but it heavily involves one's personal integrity and relationship with that someone we have made the promise to.
Don't respect someone for making a promise, respect them for keeping it.
When promises are broken, no matter how small it may seem to you, the world wouldn't collapse but it can surely damage a relationship or your reputation. When somebody asked you to promise them something, there must be a reason why you were chosen in the first place. Think about it.....if you break the promise made to her, it will definitely makes her feel cheated and violated. She will be wondering whether she was wrong to ever trusted you coz you have clearly let her down, be it intentionally or unintentionally.
So please understand the important of keeping a promise. It is not "just a promise" but it heavily involves one's personal integrity and relationship with that someone we have made the promise to.
Don't respect someone for making a promise, respect them for keeping it.