Is blogging really dead? More or less I do think it's true. With the fast growing social media platforms who needs a blog anymore? Need to make an announcement or to share important infos? You have Facebook and Twitter. Within hours, half of the globe would have read it already. Wanna share what's going on with your life today? Just go live telecast via Instagram or Facebook or even Whatsapp.
But as much as irrelevant a blog is these days, I still have that sentimental feelings towards it. Maybe because I was once an avid blogger. I still remember how I was always looking forward to publish my post everyday. Always thinking what to write or bitch about. Carrying my camera (handphones doesnt comes with camera yet those days) everywhere I go fearing that I might not be able to capture important pictures to be shared among my readers.
Blogging has indeed makes my life very interesting then. It gives me a reason to look forward to another day. It also gives me the opportunity to connect with people. I have touched a lot of people's life through my postings. People who thanked me for giving them inspiration. People who are thankful for the tips I shared. And people who are just enjoying themselves reading my silly ramblings.
Sadly, nothing stays forever. I dont know exactly what happen but I slowly drifted away from the blogsphere. I have made several attempts to be back but none succeeded. I will post one or two postings and that's about it. I just couldnt keep the momentum going. The drive is no longer there & the desire of writing completely died. Sigh.
Nevertheless, I really love this blog of mine. Once in a while I will randomly read the postings and cant help but to admire my writings hahahaha. Due to lack of practice, I dont think I could write as good as before. I would end up being the most boring blogger if I were to start a blog now. Reading all my old postings would certainly leave a smile on my face - especially those ravaging men-bashing posts ! Boy, I had fun reading them !
As for now, I am just gonna continue reading my old posts. Once in a while when I feel like rambling my thoughts about something then I will do so. Till then, lets just keep it as it is. Red Scoot is indeed still on the move....just not as publicly as before.
As for now, I am just gonna continue reading my old posts. Once in a while when I feel like rambling my thoughts about something then I will do so. Till then, lets just keep it as it is. Red Scoot is indeed still on the move....just not as publicly as before.