11 September 2007

The Best Poem Ever

Today while de-cluttering my drawers at the office, found this poem. It was given to me more than 10 years ago by Nain. Yup, the guy I wanted to marry with when I was still engaged with Ridzwan. He's the most romantic guy I've ever known. Well this poem explains it all........ It's just too bad that we're not meant for each other.

Thinking of him, sometimes I regret that I didnt fight that hard to be with him. I was so confused at that time....yelahhh..I've known Ridzwan for 5 years as compared to him 3 months. Being brainwashed by my parents was another thing. I'm just afraid I would make a wrong decision. there a saying which goes like this : You dont need a lifetime to determine whether that person is the right one.....if it's him, you'll it's him. I guess I just couldnt trust my insticnt.


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