Enuff of movie reviews.....today I'm gonna blog something about entertainment too but this time it is more focused on myself.....hehehe. I should have blog about this last Friday itself but since most of the pics. taken that day were in Carol's camera, I guess I dont have a choice but to wait till Monday.

Last Thursday, we finally had our Christmas party for 2009. It's the third year we're having it actually. This time, me & Carol decided to make it more merrier by inviting other happening people to join us. We've then end up with 5 people altogether - Carol, Farrah, Ain, Mei & myself. Farrah however had to withdraw as she needs to attend a meeting in Sarawak one day before......poor Farrah.

For the past 2 years, we only have dinner & that's about it. This year since there are more of us, we opt for karaoke then. It was indeed the right choice. We've been planning this for the past 2 months & everybody seems to be so excited since then. Excited for the karaoke & excited for the gifts as well. Syiok nyerrrr !!!!

Finally, that day arrived. I was very well prepared for the event - have my own theme lagi that is the "Bling-Bling" theme....hehehe. So, everything on me must be bling2 lah.......so glamorous gitu!! Red-Box Pavilion was chose for the venue since it's the nearest place from our office. The package is karaoke + dinner buffet for RM 65++.

The place is ok - their songs are quite up to date. The food however is so-so only lah - nothing to shout about, really. Not that much of choices as compared to Red Box @ Sogo. I've always like Sogo better for their variety of food options plus the free flow drinks & snacks. Unlike in Paviliion where only one free drinks per night. Any extra drinks are chargeable including plain water which is RM15 for half a liter ! Can you imagine that? Terrible isnt it? Not only that, we are also not allowed to take photos at the buffet area. Looking at how un-happening their foods are, I'm not surprised why they wouldnt let us took pictures of it.

Anyway, the singing session was tremendously fun. We had lots n lots of fun singing or should I said, shuting our lungs out - especially our performance for I Will Survive. We're singing it with full of emotions & hatred. If we could record ourselves in the video, I'm sure all we could see are those ugly expressions on our faces.....hahaha.

But then, it was a really, really fun nite for all four of us. We're like having our own concert in that room. Myself & Ain are forever standing on the seat - singing & dancing. Carol, having her first karaoke experience would joined us singing. And Mei......boy, she really impressed us with her knowledge not only on Malay songs but also Indon songs !
To Ain, Carol & Mei.....thanks so much for all the fun ! Cant remember when was the last time I had so much fun. Also, thanks for all those lovely presents ( not forgetting Farrah ) too! - love them all ! It was absolutely a night to remember. It was OUR night, gals !
Last Thursday, we finally had our Christmas party for 2009. It's the third year we're having it actually. This time, me & Carol decided to make it more merrier by inviting other happening people to join us. We've then end up with 5 people altogether - Carol, Farrah, Ain, Mei & myself. Farrah however had to withdraw as she needs to attend a meeting in Sarawak one day before......poor Farrah.

For the past 2 years, we only have dinner & that's about it. This year since there are more of us, we opt for karaoke then. It was indeed the right choice. We've been planning this for the past 2 months & everybody seems to be so excited since then. Excited for the karaoke & excited for the gifts as well. Syiok nyerrrr !!!!
Finally, that day arrived. I was very well prepared for the event - have my own theme lagi that is the "Bling-Bling" theme....hehehe. So, everything on me must be bling2 lah.......so glamorous gitu!! Red-Box Pavilion was chose for the venue since it's the nearest place from our office. The package is karaoke + dinner buffet for RM 65++.

The place is ok - their songs are quite up to date. The food however is so-so only lah - nothing to shout about, really. Not that much of choices as compared to Red Box @ Sogo. I've always like Sogo better for their variety of food options plus the free flow drinks & snacks. Unlike in Paviliion where only one free drinks per night. Any extra drinks are chargeable including plain water which is RM15 for half a liter ! Can you imagine that? Terrible isnt it? Not only that, we are also not allowed to take photos at the buffet area. Looking at how un-happening their foods are, I'm not surprised why they wouldnt let us took pictures of it.

Anyway, the singing session was tremendously fun. We had lots n lots of fun singing or should I said, shuting our lungs out - especially our performance for I Will Survive. We're singing it with full of emotions & hatred. If we could record ourselves in the video, I'm sure all we could see are those ugly expressions on our faces.....hahaha.

But then, it was a really, really fun nite for all four of us. We're like having our own concert in that room. Myself & Ain are forever standing on the seat - singing & dancing. Carol, having her first karaoke experience would joined us singing. And Mei......boy, she really impressed us with her knowledge not only on Malay songs but also Indon songs !
To Ain, Carol & Mei.....thanks so much for all the fun ! Cant remember when was the last time I had so much fun. Also, thanks for all those lovely presents ( not forgetting Farrah ) too! - love them all ! It was absolutely a night to remember. It was OUR night, gals !

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