A year is coming to an end and a new year will be starting. This year has been an especially tough year for me personally. It's the year with the most trials. Looking back at all those difficult times I've been through, I am so grateful I am still sane enuff to be able to continue writing this blog. At one point, things get really bad that I dont think I could ever be on my two feet again.
Thanks to my close friends & family who were always there to catch me when I nearly fall. They were always there to hold my hands when I was in total darkness. They were always there when the whole world seems to turn its back on me. They were always there to give me life when all I ever wanted is to die. Your continuous support & unconditional love are the greatest remedies to my sorrow. My life would mean nothing without your presence. Thank you so, so very much.
Those are the sad episode of my life this year. Any good ones? Achievements maybe? Been thinking very hard to find at least one thing that I could savour as my achievement for this year. The only thing I could think of is this wonderful blog of mine. I managed to increase the rating from 10 readers/day to an average of 30 readers/day. Quite an achievement, huh? For this, I've to thank all my readers for dropping by from time to time. I wish I would keep getting great comments and encouragement from all of you.
That's on the achievement. Resolutions? Frankly, a person like me should be banned from having anymore new year resolutions. It's such a big waste for I cant even achieve 10% of my last resolutions for the past years. Not achieving is one thing. For some of the resolutions, I dont even put an effort to achieve them - like getting my B2 license & to reduce my shopping activities for instant. These are the top two in my impossible list apart from others which I do not wish to highlight at the moment.
So from this year onwards, no more resolutions for me. All I'm gonna do for the coming year is to be a good servant to the Almighty, a good daughter to my parents, a good mummy to my precious, a good company to my frens, a good employee to Dresser ( cant help but to cynically smile while writing this particular one), a good citizen to my country (the cynical smile again.... ) & a good human to the mother earth. Not forgetting a good blogger to the blogging world. Very well then, I guess these would be a great lifetime resolutions for me - nothing would ever beat these list.
We normally spend January 1st walking through our lives, room by room, drawing up a list of work to be done, cracks to be patched. Maybe this year, to balance the list, we ought to walk through the rooms of our lives... not looking for flaws, but for potential.
On this last day of 2009, I would like to take a moment to wish everyone a happy

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