Last nite coming back from work, I started digging through my old stuffs - looking everywhere from the storage boxes, shoe cabinet up to my wardrobe. I was actually looking for things that I could sell at the Flea Market this weekend. It's kindof a surprise actually for there are quite a lot of junks in my house......hehehehe.
I end up having a pile of things to get rid of & mind you, I still have one storage box unopened. Looks like my house is actually a dump site all these whiles. All these things are still in good shape, especially those belongs to Marsya. Some of them are only being used once or twice the most.
So just to fire-up the shopping spirit in you, I'm gonna have a preview sale here in my blog - a sneak preview to the items that will be on sale this coming weekend. Those who are interested are most welcome to view them personally at the Kelana Mall ( see yesterday's entry for details ). To those who cant make it there but are interested to buy the following items, you can always send me an e-mail & we'll take it from there.
So, here it goes...........
I end up having a pile of things to get rid of & mind you, I still have one storage box unopened. Looks like my house is actually a dump site all these whiles. All these things are still in good shape, especially those belongs to Marsya. Some of them are only being used once or twice the most.
So just to fire-up the shopping spirit in you, I'm gonna have a preview sale here in my blog - a sneak preview to the items that will be on sale this coming weekend. Those who are interested are most welcome to view them personally at the Kelana Mall ( see yesterday's entry for details ). To those who cant make it there but are interested to buy the following items, you can always send me an e-mail & we'll take it from there.
So, here it goes...........

Frankly, I've never ever sold any of my stuff before. So, I'm not sure whether the above prices are considered reasonable or not ( it is reasonable enuff for me though, considering the original price when I first bought them ). So, if you think these prices are too expensive, please let me know, k.
See you in Kelana Mall this 26th & 27th !

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