In New Moon, you've got to see Edward Cullen being topless - a sexy vampire that is ! Unfortunately, he's not as buffed up as Jacob. Cant blame him though since Edward's character at that point of time, need to be thin & depressed (due to his parting with Bella).
It was really fantastic and most imp ortantly it fit into each scenes perfectly. Music plays an important role in a movie for its capability to connect the audience to the story. It enables the audience to relate their emotions to what the feeling is in the movie.
Do I need to say more.....all those sizzling hot topless guys? I have to admit that among the wolf pack, Jacob's bod is what I want for breakfast, lunch, dinner & supper. God...he's so mouth watering. I guess being the lead cast of the wolf pack, he has to look outstanding from the rest.
And why is he one of the reason? Simply because he's so damn cute especially with no shirt on. Come to think of it, all the wolf pack are cute ( excluding Jacob, of course especially with that messy long hair.....I'm so gonna get myself killed by Team Jacob, huh ! ). To those who didnt know, all the actors playing wolf pack are Native American (Red Indians) descent. No wonder la.........
Frankly, he's my only reason to watch New Moon. I just missed my vampire so much since Twilight. I've just got to see his face again. I need to hear his voice again. I need to see that shining golden eyes again. I just need him back to my life. I dont need any other reason to watch New Moon - not the music, not Jacob, not Paul.....not nothing. Just Edward !

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