19 October 2009

Budu oh Budu…..


This is what I’ve ended up eating after a week of luxurious food….cencaru bakar cicoh budu !!! Coming from the east cost, budu is the number one in my list of favorite sauces. The salty, sourish & spicy/hot taste blends very well with any other dishes especially ikan masak singgang….pergghhhhh !

Anyway not many people eat budu especially those coming from the west coast. Cant blame them as the physical look & smell can be quite deceiving.

Did you all know that budu is a very nutritional food? I’ve done some research in the net & would like to share my findings with you guys. I hope this could anyhow encourage people to add budu into their daily menu.

Below are some of the nutritional facts about this magic sauce called budu :



Very high in protein and contain anti-oxidant nutrients in the form of isoflavones. Per 100 gm of budu, there are 9, 39, 2, 87 and 8:05 mg of total iron, calcium and magnesium


Budu has the most powerful antioxidant properties than isoflavones in the other fish. The existence of antioxidants in budu will prevent the formation of free radicals, which can cause tumor growth, cancer, aging and dead cells.


Research conducted at the University of North Carolina, United States found that elements genestein and phytoestrogen found in budu proven to prevent cancer, aging and breast cancer.


A random tests conducted, found that intake of 150 gm budu day for 2 weeks can reduce cholesterol levels to the outside of expectations.


Apart from the source of a high quality protein, it is also known as a good source for fiber. It contributed to 30% of the total fiber requirements as recommended by the National Cancer Research.

All the above proved that a plate of budu taken with your meals every day will definitely drives the doctor away. Budu is like a liquid multivitamin needed by your body.

So on your way back home today, why not grab a bottle !

Source : http://ms.wikipedia.org/wiki/Budu


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