01 October 2009

Checking In @ APSH

Apparently, my toe gets worse after that minor accident I had last week. The pain is barely there but it's the look of it that scares the shit out of me. Carol cant even look at it. It is indeed had a very horrific look. As for myself, since I've been seeing it everyday for the past 1 week or so, there's nothing so horror anymore to my eyes.

After being advised by a few of my colleagues, I've decided to pay a visit to the hospital to get my toe a check up. By the look at it, I'm quite sure I'm gonna be admitted. So, I've packed my things upfront & head straight to the Ampang Puteri hospital. I've then been referred to the orthopedic, Dr Wahab Ghani who is the same doctor who did the surgery to both of my knees few years back. He doesnt changed a bit from the last time I saw him back in 2007. The only thing changed about him is his title - he's now Datuk Dr. Abdul Wahab. Other than the new title, he's still the same low profile, humble-looking doctor.

According to the doctor, he's gonna carry out a minor procedure to remove the blood clots underneath my toe nail but he's not gonna touch the nail at all. I thought it's the nail he's gonna remove first coz my nail looks terribly ugly, dont you think so? Anyway, he's the doctor & obviously he knows best.

So, as expected I was admitted. I was so lucky there's only 1 single room left that day which is the Premier Ward - the newly built wards, as I being told. Again I'm lucky coz the daily room rate is still within my insurance limit for Room & Board i.e. RM350 per day. Yippie !

Honestly, being in the hospital ward today makes me feel like I'm on a vacation. In a way, it is a vacation & the best thing about it is that, it's totally free ! A premier room of my own, a 32" TV, cable TV, breakfast, lunch, tea & dinner on bed.....what more can a person ask for !!! It is truly a blessing in disguise......the silver lining on the cloud !

I've always loved being admitted into the hospital.....seriously. It's the only time I felt so relaxed despite all the pains & aches. I would really take the opportunity to lie down on the bed, watching the movies & eat. It feels like heaven ! On top of that, I would also being paid RM200 per day by AIG from the insurance that I bought from them ! And who says life is unfair.....you win some.....you lose some !

Do I look sick? Nothing like that isnt it? Hehehehe......


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