02 October 2009

The Toe Saga - Final Episode

This is how my toe looks like after the minor surgery - all nicely wrapped up. Not really sure what the doctor did to it though I was fully conscious throughout the whole process. Being in an operation theater can be quite a terrifying experience especially when it's the first time ever. Those equipments, machines, the big round lights up above the ceiling add up to the frights & anxieties that were already building up in you.

This is my 5th experience being in an OT but the fear is nothing less than the first time. This time around it is even worse as I'm only being given a local anesthetic rather than the general ones. I hate injections. It really scares the shit out of me ! My face turned white - as white as the hospital's bed sheet. After each injection, all I can do is praying very hard that's gonna be the last one. There are 3 freakin' injections altogether around my toe......ouchhhhhh, it HURTS !!!


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